Well fuck you intellectual bitches, we got guns!

Posted: April 4, 2010 in "Those People", Assholes, Blogging, Humans, Rants, Slut Shaming & Whorephobia, The Hardline According to Ren


Right, so generally I tend to ignore celebrity news and gossip. Y’all have seen no posts out of me regarding Tiger Woods, or Brad and Angelina, or pretty much too many other famous people.  Why is that?  Well, frankly because I do not give a shit.  Famous people are people, with all the same bullshit and strife regular people deal with- they just generally have publicists, more money, and people watching and scrutinizing every move they make.  Double edged sword that right there.

However, once in awhile some celebrity drama catches my eye and yep, much like when I see a car crash, I have to look.  So, I’ve engaged in some Celebrity Rubber Necking with this recent round of OMG Drama involving America’s Sweet Heart Sandra Bullock and Mr. Jesse James. Why? Well, I rather dig both of them.  I’ve liked a lot of her movies (“Enhance your calm, John Spartan!”) , she seems like a nice gal, and believe you me, there is not an episode of “Monster Garage” that I have not seen.  However, this rant here is not about Sandra Bullock, or Jesse James, or anything that is going on with either of them, or how I feel about them, or any other such thing.  Oh no, it’s about something else entirely.

So yeah, as I type this, I am riding shotgun in a gas guzzling V-8 beast, feet on the dash board, whilst the dude behind the wheel slightly exceeds the high end limit on I-95, cruising past Daytona Beach which braces for not a hurricane, but another wave of sweaty, drunk college spring breakers, preps for the denizens of the Daytona 500, and later in the year, Bike Week.  They will be ready, willing and able to soak up those tourist dollars and smile and nod while those tourists soak up sun, sights of skin, and as much booze as they can handle…or not…after all, puke sprays easy off the concrete and the beaches have sure as hell seen worse.  There will be tons and tons of beer fueled party binges, string bikinis, leather-clad biker babes, tattooed gear heads, and screaming NASCAR fans all darkening Daytona’s doorstep  here in the next few weeks…only Daytona does not find it all that dark- they find it amazingly profitable…

And I mention this because you know- as I sit here pondering all this, I am recalling the way some folk talked about the Mistresses of Jesse James and people of his ilk in general in some of the comment threads and stories that have sprung up in the wake of this celebrity drama: You know, words and assumptions about “Those People”.  Those classless, trashy scumbags with tattoos, fake tits (on the women), home states like Alabama and Ohio, who ride bikes, own trucks, or swing on poles or whatever the hell else, who may or may not be neo-Nazis but damn, are they- all of them, men and women alike- low class low brow low lives.

And things like that, well, they make a gal like me want to wax on poetic a bit.   After all, I am in a gas guzzling monster with my feet up on the dash, in camos with my (unwashed) hair held back by a pair of goggles, smoke in hand, windows down, sun shining upon my inked skin and happy as hell that my fake boobs allow me not to wear a bra under this tank top with the tattoo parlor logo on it, because y’all, it is hot as fuckin’ hell in FL today.

And yeah, I am grinning in that horrible semi-amused semi-infuriated way of mine.  Why?  Well, because in all these threads and what not about Bullock and James, people are fuckin’ up in arms and ready to burn people alive due to James’ alleged racism and hate, but at the same time, a whole hell of a lot of them are hating on, well, “low life” gearhead/”sleazy” white folk with tattoos and whatnot. It’s all woohoo- we hate racists and racism, we hate intolerance and stereotypes- that shit is bad- but fuck if we cannot stand those crackers!

Well, on behalf of crackers everywhere- I’d like to say “Go Fuck Yourselves, with a  Flamethrower.”

I mean, I was actually keeping track of the stereotypes that have been flying around about “those people” whilst reading all this…here let me put forth a little list.

-All bikers are racists
-All gals with tattoos are sluts, and possibly racists
-“those people” are all racists
-Those people are all ignorant, un-educated, unemployed or poorly employed.
-those folk should stick to or get on back to the trailer park
– Southerners Suck
-If one surrounds themselves with “those people” they can only expect bad things will happen to them and other more classy people will look down on them.
-All the females of those people are dumb, skuzzy, “dirty”, man stealing whores.  All the males are dumb, skuzzy, ugly, alcoholic, KKK card carrying, woman abusing scum.
-If anyone collects WWII memorabilia, especially if any of it is German, they must be neo-Nazis (hell, I collect weird Soviet era shit, does that make me a Stalinist?)

(we can leave out other common assumptions that often include incest, inbreeding, missing teeth, drug habits, felony records, musical taste, cock fighting, lynching, and other assorted things)

Well now, that really is just enough to make me laugh-even bad jokes make me to do that.  I mean, sure, there is some truth behind some of those stereotypes- there is truth behind any stereotype- hell, I am writing a story where some of the characters are pretty much all of those stereotypes- but believe you me- in the real world shit doesn’t ever fit into boxes as neatly as folk would like. 

 It’s entirely possible that the clean cut seemingly normal person sitting at the desk next to you is racist as hell, has the Aryan Nations in his “charity donation” file and subscribes to Stormfront, while that biker with the Iron Cross (which is not, ahem, a “Nazi” thing-it’s a German thing) on his helmet is not a racist at all. It is entirely possible that the sweet, all natural modest gal next to you in line at the store will drop her panties for any dude with a pulse- married or not- faster than any implanted gal sporting a tramp stamp and working at a nudie bar.  Hell, it is even possible that the gun freak gear head goggle wearing tattooed asshole writing this, like many of her kind, has a college education, a house that has no wheels, and would take on half the so called intellectuals out there in blog land on in “Jeopardy” -or countless other forums- any day of the week-and might even win big.

And since I am all about this shit…you know what?  People are perfectly ALLOWED to hate on “those people”.  They are allowed to hold and harbor all the stereotypes they want.  They can continue to amuse the fuck out of me by rambling on about the ignorant racist Jesse James (and shame his wife because well, she MUST have known!) while blasting away on those dirty, trashy, dumb people “like him”.  The Irony is thick and rich and wonderful.  They can go off on how could anyone WANT to get with one of those horrible, horrible inked tramps because ewww, they are bad!  They can just keep on keepin’ on.  Hate away!

And I will smirk.

Because you know what?  I fuckin’ hate people like that right back.  It’s cyclical thing.  You give it, you get it.  I’ll own up to my prejudice and intolerance and whatnot.  Hell, I will say it loud and often.  I fuckin’ hate pretentious snot nosed two-faced IDIOTS who think they are so much better and smarter and worldly and wonderful than “those people” because of a zip code, a region, letters after their name, a style of dress, or a lack of ink.   Sure, I’ve met some that are just fine A-OK and cool as hell, but the majority?  Well yeah, I have some reason for my dislike…I actually think it could be a true learning experience for some of these oh so (mom and dad paid for my extensive education) intellectual classy people to get their faces rearranged by one of “those people”, folk they seemingly think are pretty much akin to crap stuck on the bottom of their shoes.  I mean, these fucks may not be racists themselves, but they sure as shit are classist and flinging around prejudice and hate by the bucketful.   They might- in public where people can see and read and all- be willing to look past skin color and be all sensitive when it comes to race and gender- but if you happen to have some ink on that skin, some grease under those nails, an accent from the wrong region, some clothes they may not like, or some serious blue on your collar-  all bets are off.  Hey, apparently, if you’re not shiny and smart with all the right brainy creds, you’re useless!

Personally, I am starting to seriously wonder about the educated intellectual set.  I mean for real, when reading this shit, I wonder…do any of these women know how to change a tire?  Use a firearm?  Repair a leaky pipe or start a fire?  Do they know what a head gasket even is, much less where it is located?  Have they ever killed (if they are meat eaters) cleaned, and cooked their own food?  Ever sawed up and moved a fallen tree or patched up a roof?  Hell, it reminds me of that scene in Fight Club: “We are the people who cook your food, wash your dishes,  fix your cars, haul  away your garbage- do not fuck with us.”

Smirk.  When the Zombie Apocalypse comes, any bets on who is going first?  Vegas odds say it won’t be “Those People”.

So yeah, fuck you intellectual bitches- we got guns!

  1. Eli says:

    One of my friends owns various Nazi items including a real vintage blood-stained swastika flag. It carries the signatures of all the guys that were with him liberating the camp of Bergen-Belsen. But he *must* be a Nazi because Context Doesn’t Matter, right? Groan.

  2. dead_vladimir says:

    there is a reason why intellectuals tned to get shot in revolutions, even ones they start

    they’re just so damn annoying

    • LOL

      It’s funny cos it’s true!

      ‘Course, the other trouble with genuine intellectual revolutionary types is that they never know when to stop revolutionising and just STFU and do as they’re told. The smart kids know how to bide their time…

  3. dead_vladimir says:

    also a lot of these so cold intellectuals are not well , welle ducated. Oh sure they have thier women studies classes, or took that poli sci class that says allwhite men are evil, but lack real true knowledge.

    How many times do you hear someone waxing about how evil the crusades were and how aggressive the Europeans were, and you want to go, do you know who Charles martel was, or do you know that ummm all those lands were the Eastern empire’s at one point?

    Hell, I’m suprised how few people even know what the Khmer rouge is .
    Or worse, how many people think because they read someone’s opinion on a blog, it must be true and 100% fact.
    Today’s so called intelectuals have given up on any true epistomolgy and basically when was the last time you met someone who could actually use the Hegelian dialectic in an argument.
    Look at your arguments here with rad fems. Very rarely do they conisder your viewpoint as something reached logically based of fdifferent criteria, but rather if you disagree, it’s not valid, it’s a personal flaw or issue that causes you not to agree with them.

    True knowledge has been replaced I think, instead with massive circle jerks of like minded people on the internet. No need to expose yourself to new ideas and thoughts when you can limit yourself to only voices that reinfoce your own preconceived notions?

    As for the classist stereo types, this is just a new manifestation of old school american wasp [redijuice. It’s the same thing that had people like Thomas jefferson (that asshole) going oh we can’t give the vote to people who work in cities for a living!
    As always it is easier to elevate yourself, not by merit but by rather assuming a segement of the popullation is inherently inferior.

  4. SirPuck says:

    Posts like this make it hard not become completely obsessed with you, quit my job, and start stalking you like you are Jody Foster 🙂 Demolition Man reference is the quickest way to my heart. I wonder how many of the arrogant elite have seen it and “got it”.

    Seriously, I find it really hard when at work not to rip into my co-workers who say the exact same thing. “She has so many tats, she must be a skank” “What was he thinking, he had Sandra why mess around with such whores” GRRRR Same thing with Tiger! GRRRR some more.

    I sure hope they find the aliens that are causing rich, white men to be infected with Sex Addiction disease!

    • Ren says:

      lol stalkers will be shot!

      Demolition Man was both a fun and keen movie. The Francise Wars! LOL.

      The Tattoo thing is interesting, I may post on that in and of itself later.

      • Ernest Greene says:

        D-Man is one of my favorite movies. I practically have it memorized from many viewings. Even Nina, no fan of SF generally, loves it. Like most great futuristic work, it’s really about the present, and in a scathingly funny way. Loved Sly’s reaction to the news that the sanitized, PC tyranny had begun under Ahnoled:

        “Aww geez, they made him president?”

        And at the end (spoiler alert) when Sandra Bullock, at her most charming, points out that Stallone’s character has destroyed their whole society:

        “I don’t know exactly why, but this is better for you.”

        Sums up a lot of my own thinking these days.

        As for what passes as an intellectual these days, see above. Whether Noam Chomksy or David Frum, they’ve managed to make themselves totally irrelevant in their mad romance with the role of “public intellectual” and all the perks that go with it.

        What they ought to do is try thinking about something important and saying something useful about it.

        What they should never do is try to run anything. We’ve seen in the past century far too much of what happens when self-anointed intellectural try to construct a livable society. Lenin and his pals didn’t do too good a job with the old Soviet Union, and right now the intellectuals of the European SDP, a once respectable party for which I had some genuine admiratioin, are in the midst of driving it right off a cliff in the name of some kind of “liberation politics” that no one has ever seen and no one can describe, but that they’re sure is better for us. Not thanks. I’ll take Sly’s and Denis Leary’s vision over theirs any day.

  5. Rorshack says:

    I’ll have you know that aside from agreeing with you, I am going to flat out steal the phrase “Go Fuck yourself with a Flamethrower.” Fair warning.

    Also, as an Elitist myself, I define “those people” quite differently than the alleged Intellectuals you are referring to. In fact they make up a large portion of MY “those people”.

    They will be the ones begging to be let into our fortified malls during and after the Zombie Apocalypse.

  6. TrinityVA says:


    Right on. I have a couple of biker buddies in the Leather community, and… well, let’s just say if I ever described certain things they have inked on their flesh or adorning their car bumpers, people would decide I associate with THE WRONG KIND OF PEOPLE.

    Because of course context never matters, and of course it’s totally impossible that I not agree with everything a friend of mine thinks, too… *deep frown*

  7. jmkaye says:

    “Thank God for rednecks!”

  8. Gaina says:

    Working in a Social Security office taught me one thing. ‘Nice’ people with their 2.4 kids and their nice cars are fucking sinister.

    I swear, the most polite, interesting and friendly people I dealt with while in that job were Sex Workers, Drug Addicts and Homeless people. The ones who came to my desk with most aggressive attitudes were the ‘respectable’ people who had been made redudant and had the audacity to look down their noses of the homeless guy at the desk next to them. I used to get angry with that kind of snob but now I just pity them. They are obviously very insecure if they feel the need to put someone else down because they are of a certain race or class.

    Attending Univeristy has taught me another lesson – the incidence of arrogant, particularly stupid arseholes amongst ‘intellectuals’ is alarmingly high. They can have Phd’s coming out of their ears and they still don’t know from shit. I agree with Vladimir. One of my tutors thinks he’s so cool because he parades his Stalinist Atheism any chance he gets like it makes him some kind of fucking Big Dog, but there’s a lovely lady in my class who’s a lay preacher and she has more wisdom in her little finger than he’ll ever have in his sorry, navel-gazing life. He’s always having a pop at Christianity and I’m waiting for the day she’s going to lose her gentle demeanor and bitch-slap him because by heck, he deserves it!

    I am a Pagan myself, and I really got into it with this same tutor recently because he was so downright dismissive during a presentation I gave about how my philosophy informs my art work. He basically was of the attitude of ‘if I can’t quantify this on MY terms it doesn’t exist and you’re an idiot’. The guy who co-tutors couldn’t be more different, as he is the really smart guy but is very humble about it and loves talking to people about things that excite them and is completely non-judgmental.

    I think I’m so sick of humans, I am just going to pack myself off to a remote Island and herd cats for the next 50 years.

    • lissy says:

      The ones who came to my desk with most aggressive attitudes were the ‘respectable’ people who had been made redudant and had the audacity to look down their noses of the homeless guy at the desk next to them.

      Yes!!!! As I used to say to my co-workers when I worked doing emergency financial relief. “The only thing that makes us different from our clients is that we have the privilege of a job. We could all get fired tomorrow and then we’d be on the other side of the counter!”

      And I totally love the title of this post!

  9. luthien says:

    one of my pet ideas is for LIBERALS WITH GUNS. bleeding heart liberals should own guns which they know how to use. why? well, cuz you never know when you will need a gun. now….what kinda gun should i get?

    • Ren says:

      oh, choosing a favored fire arm is like choosing a life partner, it has to FIT with ya.

      • Ernest Greene says:

        Better to have and not need than to need and not have , especially when it comes to guns.

        I agree with Ren that choice is highly personal when it comes to firearms, which was why I carried a Walther PPKS for many years. A lot of people disliked it for various reasons. It had a short barrel, a tight spring and when you shot it, it felt like a firecracker exploding in your hand. However, it shot very straight and level and for a 9mm, with the right load, it packed plenty of stopping power.

        However, because it was small and hard to control for an inexperienced shooter, it was unsuitable as a weapon of self-defense for most people. For someone new to firearms, I would always suggest a revolver over an automatic, even though they’re bulky and a pain to pack around. They’re simple and reliable and you can drop them with no fear of an accidental discharge. They almost never jam and the recoil of the heavier frame is less likely to make a second shot fly wild.

        However, handguns in general aren’t very good for keeping the owner alive. In a combat situation, most people are rightfully scared and even small movements like a trembling wrist are magnified by a handgun’s relatively light weight. Overall, they miss more than they hit, and the small projectiles they fire (unless you’re prepared to haul around a .45) are seldom instantly lethal. A wounded assailant can still get one away from a smaller opponent and turn it on its owner. If this can happen to cops – and it does with alarming frequency – imagine how much more likely such a thing would be for a frightened civilian.

        I’m inclined to favor concealed carry laws only with the stipulation that applicants are required to pass a rigorous test on a combat range, at night after having been awakened from a sound sleep. Fail the test, no permit. Otherwise, the person most apt to get hurt is an innocent party should the gun come out in public.

        For home defense, which is the most easily justified use of lethal force, I give my enthusiastic endorsement to the Remington 870, the 12 gauge favored by the Secret Service. It’s rugged, reliable and absolutely effective in the contact-range situations where it’s most probably necessarily deployed. If you can get it pointed in the general directioin of an assailant, you’ll either take him out with the first round or he’ll be running for the next three days just from the noise it makes.

        And yes, I am a liberal. I’m just a Colorado liberal. Our idea of gun control is hitting what you aim at.

        • Ren says:

          “And yes, I am a liberal. I’m just a Colorado liberal. Our idea of gun control is hitting what you aim at.”

          That is going on a t-shirt.

          (and now, for the subliminal message: AK47)

          • Ernest Greene says:

            Why thank you. Hope I can get one in a size XL, preferably black.

            I do love a good Kalashnikov (meaning one made in Russia), but they tend to be a bit fast-firing for ordinary defensive use. Now for picking off zombies, you almost can’t beat the Dragunov sniper version. Those 151-grain steel-core rounds really get the job done.

    • Amber Rhea says:

      bleeding heart liberals should own guns which they know how to use.

      I know several who do. Two of them took me shooting for the first time, in 2006. Another stereotype debunked!

  10. Roy Kay says:

    Eh. My style is decidedly not redneck/biker/etc. etc. Generally, stylistic differences don’t really matter – which is part of your point. The main stylistic difference that does matter is dismissiveness. One can never gain the loyalty and camaraderie of those you disdain, which is why it’s a good idea to let someone decide you are the enemy before deciding they’re the enemy. It’s pretty stupid to make an estimate of someone before they open their mouth, you’ve seen them work or watched them around people in need.

    >It is entirely possible that the sweet, all natural modest gal next to you in line at the store will drop her panties for any dude with a pulse- married or not- faster than any implanted gal sporting a tramp stamp and working at a nudie bar.

    See. That’s why I don’t write off sweet all natural gals.

    >I actually think it could be a true learning experience for some of these oh so (mom and dad paid for my extensive education) intellectual classy people to get their faces rearranged by one of “those people”, folk they seemingly think are pretty much akin to crap stuck on the bottom of their shoes.

    I don’t know. I think you do an even better job at rearranging their minds – as least the ones that have minds. I think it is cool that some are even afraid to share a podium with you.

    • Ren says:

      rearranging faces is f ar more gratifying in the short term. I am big on “if you are gonna hate me for no reason, I might as well give you one”

      • Roy Kay says:

        I see your point.

        However, isn’t it the right and proper duty of the evil overlord, to first fuck over their mind; and THEN lay waste to their body? Come on, now. Let’s be nice and give then the full experience of all their apprehensions.

  11. Amber Rhea says:

    Yes, yes, yes! So much yes! Thank you!

    And what kills me is some of the same people scoffing and acting all superior wrt Jesse James and his ilk will pontificate about “classism” but you get the drift that they clearly exclude CERTAIN types of lower-class/working-class folks from their earnest social-justice-conscious please. And it’s completely unconscious. And it makes me want to whip out the P word, because, yeah, if the shoe ever did fit!

    • Ren says:

      There is also a whole subculture thing that people are missing…Trinity touched on it a bit with the bikers in the leather community she knows….but yeah, that is REAL, REAL thing, and if it is something people know NOTHING about…yes, it can seem scary and weird and strange and all, but it IS part of the subculture.

      The first biker I ever saw in REAL LIFE who was literally be-decked in about seven Iron Crosses- in ink, on his gear, on his shirt….was black. I have no reason to suspect that he was any sort of a white power supporter- at all.

  12. rootietoot says:

    just passing though since we have company BUT
    Terry has a (WW2) ammunition crate filled with stuff like medals and a helmet and every other thing WW2 he can fit into it.
    We lived in a house on wheels
    he’s missing a couple of teeth
    like like NASCAR…rephrase…we LOVE NASCAR

    and, even tho we pretend to in order to fit in when necessary
    We relaly -don’t give a rats ass about Those People and would rather spend the time with a bottle of SOuthern Comfort and MIke’s Frankenstien Monster than what’shis name at the country club.

    Fitting in is necessary for the sake of the career, some of us have to do it…but hopefully experience throught the years has taught us to recognize the good ones vs the assholes, and it has nothing to do with body art, Acuras or occupations.

    tho I do admit a bit of bias whn I see someone with a swastika on their arm. There’s issues with looking past that.

    • Ren says:

      obviously- not a fan of the swastika here either. But there is that gun I want…its WWII German…somehow, I just get the feeling with some of these people, that would make me a neo-nazi.

      You guys should go see the Daytona 500 sometime if you haven’t. Dad and Brother Evolution have gone a few times and say it is truly something to behold.

      • Ernest Greene says:

        Nazis built the Volkswagen (probably to teach the rest of us a lesson, but that’s another story). I owned several VWs over the years without feeling I was betraying my ancestors.

        Agreed 100% on any kind of Nazi symbolism, but useful machinery designed by people who have been dead for decades, no karmic harm, no Karmic foul IMV.

      • rootietoot says:

        Terry wants to see Bristol, I’d like to do the Richard Petty Driving thing at Daytona.

  13. Melissa says:

    I woud rather have a “redneck” for a friend than any of these assholes 😀

    • Melissa says:

      I know I just commented but I have something else to add. If a person feels the need to look down on another it hides a disturbing lack of self worth IMO.

  14. rootietoot says:

    aaand…you know I am about firearms. I totally agree that they should fit the personality of the owner.

  15. TrinityVA says:

    just in case people’s swastika comments were in response to what I said about people’s tattoos, that’s not the symbol I was referring to.

  16. Carson D Carson says:

    Um… The 500 was in February. The July 4th(ish) race is the Firecracker 400. I think this year it’s the Coke Zero 400 (Sometimes I hate sponsorships on the race itself, especially when the change the name.) Although the 500 is on my bucket list. Of course I’m with Rootie in my prefrence for either of the Talladega races, but then I will always watch that one for the enevitable multiple pile up in the back straight. My personal favorate though is Dover. I’ve a thing for short tracks.

    We’ve had our discussion about guns. My personal carry is a mid-size polymer (non-glock) 45. Home defense is the Mossburg 500 (Perfered choice of the USMC). I am, however going to be putting together an AR-15 probibly with a Stag Arms upper in a LH config, and of course every home should have a 10/22 for those times when you just want to blow off some steam…

    Quite frankly I don’t have to deal with all the haters out there what every they hate. I’m too busy preparing for coming apocolypse…

  17. rootietoot says:

    Thingis, I grew up in a deeply academic environment,always university towns, professorial parents (tho graduate level science, not liberal arts), and I grew to despise that sort of inbred snooty “smarter than thou” miasma…it was really thick. Now I live in that part of the Deep South where people still carry hunting rifles in their truck gun racks and 10 yr olds get their first shotgun for Christmas. I won’t say it’s more “real” than the academic stuff i grew up with, but it certainly is easier to live with. When your preacher has a dog box on the back of his truck and his wife is named Peaches, somehow it’s more comfortable than someone berating you for not swallowing the Drive a Hybrid/Be a Womynist koolaid.
    And, it’s REALLY nice when people don’t fall over in shock and dismay at prayer group when I talk about spending an hour at the shooting range. In fact, last week, they all said”Oh! We should do a group outing to the skeet park!” Yes, people, 6 devout Presbyterian women blowing things up. Life is good.

  18. I just love you!

    –ex-wife of biker

  19. Peter Tupper says:

    This bounces off the “Liz Lemonist” style of feminism that has been percolating through the blogosphere the past week or two: white, middle-class, white-collar women who are upset about “raunch culture” but have zero time for sex worker rights, and who devote a lot of energy to policing the sexuality of other women.

    If you think race is the great taboo in American culture, try talking about class.

    • Ren says:

      the last week or two? Try the last several YEARS!

    • Aspasia says:

      Race (and skin color) and class often hang out together and in many cases are inseparable. Case in point, your very comment: “white, middle-class, white-collar women”. While there are plenty of non-white, middle-class, white-collar women who are also upset about raunch culture and devote energy to policing the sexuality of other women, you didn’t bring them up. And yes, they exist.

  20. Aspasia says:

    I think there is a difference between intellectuals and pretentious intellectuals. Certainly we don’t want to go down the anti-intellectual road to the same sort of mentality that saw GWB elected. Twice. Nonetheless, I have no time or respect for the extremely pretentious who make it difficult to be proud of being intellectual.

    That said, then there are these jerkasses in the comment thread at HuffPo on this story: How To Survive the Apocalypse. Short synopsis: the article rips on an email sent out by WorldNetDaily about, well, how to survive the apocalypse. Of course, the upsurge in right-wing, archconservative terror about “the end of the world” is largely due in part to a non-white being called President. Still, the overall attitude toward having survival skills just proves Ren’s point. But in my opinion, people who think basic survival skills are useless are stupid regardless of their education. A couple people in the comment thread brought up the excellent example of Katrina as well as the general WTF weather due to global warming/climate change we’re experiencing.

    They were brushed off or ignored by the other commentors. How idiotic.

    I personally would love to start stockpiling basic supplies (bottled water, canned foods) since, living in a part of the country that seems to experience EVERYTHING except typhoons and volcano eruptions… The Midwest hasn’t had a really bad storm in the past few years so I figure we’re way overdue. And I can’t imagine placing my survival in the hands of the City of Chicago.

    What kills me about the attitude in the liberal crowd in the comments at HuffPo is that these are the same people who are rightly concerned about all the problems increasing global warming/climate change don’t seem to think knowing how to survive a major disaster is something that is valid. Huh? Do they honestly think incidents like Katrina or horrible earthquakes like Haiti or Chile won’t hit closer to their home eventually?

    • rootietoot says:

      I was raised by survivalists (who were also academics and intellectuals tho they’d be quick to point out they were scientists not liberal arts types). My brother and I were taught basic skills like: starting a fire without a match or accelerant, identifiying edible wild foods, killing and skinning animals, tanning their hides and making clothes out of them. Using hand tools to fell a tree, mill it, and making furniture,etc. This list goes on. Survivalism isn’t so much about having plenty of ammunition and canned goods on hand (common perception, and fine in the short term) but having a set of skills that will allow you live and prosper in the long term, sans electricity, Walmart, and gasoline. It’s horticulture (Mom’s field), animal husbandry (Dad’s), chemistry and physics (my husband, he can make soap and gunpowder), botany, ecology (mine, I can grow things, spin, weave and cook a mess of dandelions greens you’ll swear came from Wolfgang Puck).
      One day the canned food and ammunition *will* run out. Then what?

      And on top of all this, we’re pretty (ok very. ok rabidly, even) politically conservative.

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