Archive for November 23, 2011

Mood music for recent rantage…

Posted: November 23, 2011 in Uncategorized

because life is better with a soundtrack…



Posted: November 23, 2011 in Humans

What, fuck it, I am on a tear here, don’t like it, ya can go away….

So, I was thinking, which is both good and bad for me and all, and after my last angry white girl post, I was pondering something….

What if all the folk who are pissed off and mad about it- who have been shit on, devalued, disinfrancised, fucked over, so on, put aside all their considerable differences (and there are a lot of them) and were like “Hey, douchebags, you fucked ALL of us, and we’re done…” and I don’t mean like settin’ up shop in some OWS tent city protestor kinda way, but in a “fuck you, I ain’t payin’ taxes I ain’t haulin’ yer garbage I ain’t doin’ shit all for YOU until you do for US for a change.  You wanna throw my ass in jail for not paying outlandish debt forced on me, fine.   You wanna take/outsource/pay me shit for my job, fine.  You wanna fuck with me, fine….I’ll fuck ya right back…” 

I had like this amazing vision of all the people who have been fucked; all colors, all genders, all kinds of people who’ve been screwed by rich folk saying “ive had it” , and well, it was kinda cool.  Very cool really.  I mean think on it…all those pissed off Americans of All Kinds who have been fucked saying “We’re done laying down” and actually standing up.  Hell, imagine what would happen if every person on the lower end of the class scale, all colors and such, oh, didn’t show up to work for a few days….WE’RE not grad students….we’re factory people, and in food service, we haul garbage and fix cars and work in stores and warehouses and oh, shit like that.  We’re secretaries and janitors and people NO ONE fucking notices until we’re not there.  The rich have the money here, its the lower classes who actually do ALL the hard work.  Heh, imagine executives with no coffee from their local shop, no clean floors and no one to take their damn calls…or haul their garbage, cart their kids to school, or do their dry cleaning.  Or, what if we all showed up in front of the White House some weekend.  Or decided hey, if you are gonna fuck us when we work legit jobs, we go not legit…hell, I bet I could rig up a still real easy.  Imagine if the whole lot of us said “nah, none of the political candidates you are offering us are gonna work- after all, they are all rich people who are bought and paid for, we want something NEW”.  What if we all decided to NOT pay taxes?  What if we said, sorry, we won’t buy your movies, your phones, your software, your games, your books, anything YOU make other than the food and clothes we NEED.  What if….

What if we were all pissed off enough to actually stand together- in the NUMBERS we WOULD have- to make the Money Listen.  Not by beating drums and screaming slogans, but by…dare I say…force.  Force of needed labor. Force of lost monies, force of political distrust and disinterest. Force of…numbers.

Damn.  Could be a helluva thing.  Imagine every pissed off and pissed on Black Person, White Person,  Native American Person, Hispanic Person, Asian Person, Male and Female Persons….hell ALL people who have been screwed, pullin THAT kinda shit, in NUMBERS…

Damn.  OWS would have NOTHING on that shit.

Hey, a hick can dream….